Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Important Quant Professionals, Journals and Pages that I should follow

Here is a list of important quants professionals that I have got from the web:
  1. Alex Lipton/Leif Anderson (BAML)
  2. Bruno Dupire/Fabio Mercurio (Bloomberg)
  3. Daniel Nehren (JP Morgan)
  4. David Li (AIG)
  5. Ezra Nahum (Goldman Sachs)
  6. Lorenzo Bergomi (Société Générale)
  7. Peter Carr (Morgan Stanley)
  8. Vladimir Piterbarg (Barclays)
To follow their ideas, just google the names mentioned above and enjoy the ride!

The journals that I´m currently trying to follow, reading and studying the papers are (specially because they are avaiable in pdf format to me):

  1. Finance and Stochastics (from Springer) http://link.springer.com/journal/780
  2. Computational Economics (from Springer) http://link.springer.com/journal/10614

Journals that I should follow, but will most certainly not have enough time to read and study the articles in full detail (alphabetical order):
  1. Applied Financial Economics Letters
  2. Applied Mathematical Finance
  3. Journal of Simulation - http://www.palgrave-journals.com/jos/journal/v8/n4/index.html
  4. The Journal of Computational Finance - http://www.risk.net/type/journal/source/journal-of-computational-finance. I should follow this one more closely BUT it is now avaiable (to me) in pdf format, only in paper, so I will end up not reading it. 
  5. The Journal of Derivatives - http://www.iijournals.com/toc/jod/current
Regarding pages where can be found interesting research (that unfortunatelly I will also not follow more closely) it can be mentioned:
  1. prof.Edson de O.Pamplona page on Unifei - Interesting website with articles on cost analysis - http://www.iepg.unifei.edu.br/edson/pesquisa.htm#producao.
  2. prof.Petr Dostál website on Decision Making, Soft Computing and Fuzzy Logic - Nice collection of papers on quantitative methods applied to decision making. Special notice on fuzzy logic applications, but also some papers on chaos theory.
  3. Yale´s prof.Shyam Sunder course description on Experimental Economicshttp://http://faculty.som.yale.edu/shyamsunder/ExperimentalEconomics/Expecon2008Fall.html
  4. Van Kurt Blog - with an interesting page on simulation of correlated and uncorrelated variables - https://kurtverstegen.wordpress.com/2013/12/07/simulation/
Flows in Railway Optimization
If I ever write a paper about the history of Operations Research...

...I must not forget this paper: Flows in railway optimization, by Alexander Schrijver. The paper can be found at: http://homepages.cwi.nl/~lex/files/flows_in_ro.pdf

And besides this, if I keep my sources in the Netherlands I should not forget the Amsterdan Optimization Group (http://amsterdamoptimization.com/).

An interesting free add-in for Excel: NtRand. It has a complex set of random numbers generator based in the Mersenne´s Algorithm. It can be found in http://www.ntrand.com/documentation/. Although I mainly use R or Palisade's @RISK to generate random numbers, this is an alternative to the standard ALEATÓRIO() function (in Excel´s PT-BR).


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