Thursday, March 19, 2015

Research Topics on The Origins and History of Operations Research

A possible list of research topics about the origins and history of Operations Research could include:

  1. Initial Meetings and research trends in the 1940s - How O.R. was popularized or how O.R. became a fashionable topic (on an academic and managerial perspective)  
  2. The so called "Paradox Decade" (50s)
    1. The critics of optimization and hard solutions for social problems (Ackoff for instance)
    2. The reality of economic theory and the challenge of providing plenty for many
  3. Researchers outside the mainstream path: Bellman, Raiffa
  4. Thomas Edson and OR before 1940
  5. Cooper and company x Dantzig
  6. Computation + automation of tasks and OR
  7. The Bellman x Simon Debate and their forecasts - Which was more prescient?
  8. The 4Ps of O.R.: Paradoxes, Programmers, Pamphleteers, Propagandists
  9. The effect of Robert McNamara and "The Body Count Measure"

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